Comprehensive Wealth Management Services
As fiduciary financial advisors, we seek to understand your goals before making personalized,
science-backed recommendations.
Here are the financial advisory services that we offer:
Investment Planning
Tax Planning
Coordination with Other Professionals
We are “evidence-based” financial advisors. We take a systematic approach to investing, applied consistently across all strategies.
We rely on factors you can control (your asset allocation, global diversification, low costs, and fees) and ignore those you can’t (timing the market, trying to pick stock “winners,” or attempting to identify outperforming actively managed mutual funds).
We don’t try to predict the future.
We don’t try to outguess the market.
We are influenced by data backed by peer-reviewed articles published in prestigious financial journals.
We encourage our clients to ignore short-term noise, stick to a carefully crafted, long-term investment plan and eliminate emotions from their decision-making process.
We are qualified not just as financial advisors but also as a certified public accountants.
In addition to providing financial advice, we engage in tax planning. Our goal is to minimize your taxes both today and in the future.
We are qualified to advise you on the latest changes to the tax code and how they impact your investments, estate planning, and retirement planning.
We can assist with education planning and small business planning.
If you are purchasing a home outside the US or even investing internationally, we can explain tax pitfalls and benefits.
Of course, we also prepare and file your tax returns, giving us additional insight into your overall financial situation.
It takes a financial team to deal with the complex issues many investors confront. This team can include insurance agents, trusts and estates attorneys, real estate agents, and others.
While each of these professionals is focused on their own areas of expertise, their activities can
positively or negatively impact your financial plan.
We don’t have to coordinate with your CPA because we are preparing your taxes and filing your returns.
As part of our wealth management services, it’s our job to coordinate with all members of your team to ensure we are working together for your maximum benefit.